Preschool - Grade 3


Through a multi-age, interdisciplinary, hands-on curriculum, the Nashoba Brooks Preschool experience focuses on creativity and multiculturalism. Children become independent thinkers and problem solvers. They express themselves freely using a richness of vocabulary.
  • Our faculty deeply understand the power and importance of play and how to create nurturing environments for children to love school, have fun and grow academically, socially and emotionally.
  • We don’t force children into a mold. There is a comfort level between teachers and children that allows them to feel safe being themselves. We believe that it is critical to development at this age to allow children to explore their independence.
  • We value early childhood education. The quality of our teachers speaks volumes. Many have advanced degrees and all are passionate about their profession.
  • In addition to their classrooms, Preschool classes use our gyms and arts facilities, which include studios for the visual arts, music labs, and an auditorium with a performance stage. When it is time to play outdoors, our 30-acre campus includes large athletic fields, a variety of playgrounds, woods with nature trails, and ponds.
  • 3-Day and 5-Day Options: We currently offer both a 3-day option and 5-day option for 3-year-olds, along with an adjustment to tuition for Preschool. The 3-day option is Tuesday-Thursday, 8:15 to noon, with an option to drop-off as early as 7:30. For both the 3-day and 5-day options, Extended Day is available from noon until 5:45 p.m. Click here for tuition costs.
Preschool units of study include Sunflowers, Architecture and Structures, Planting, Birds, and Community and Connections in Year 1 and Monarch Butterflies and Milkweed,  Storytelling, Pond, and Community and Connections in Year 2.

In Preschool we work on the following skills:
  • Self-confidence
  • Following directions
  • Effective communication
  • Listening
  • Sharing materials
  • Cooperation
  • Conflict resolution
  • Self-regulation
  • Critical thinking
  • Self-help skills
  • Fine and gross motor skills

Click on an item below to see a summary of Preschool work in that subject area. Please note: Each subject includes a guiding question or questions, some of the topics we address in that area, and an overview of some of the skills we work to build through this subject.

List of 12 items.

  • A Sample Morning in Preschool

    Students can arrive as early as 7:30 a.m. and spend time with friends in the Dining Commons and the Gym. 

    The school day starts promptly at 8:25 a.m. In Preschool, the day begins with classroom meeting time and a day might include:

    • Group and individual activities in the classroom 
    • Spanish
    • Snack & Recess - students bring their own snacks
    • Physical Education
    • Grade 3 Buddy Time

    Preschool students are dismissed at noon.

    We offer a number of fee-based Extended Day activities, which allow students to stay as late as 5:30 p.m.
  • Language Arts in Preschool

    How can we share our ideas? How do we listen to others’ ideas?

    Topics of Study:
    Literature: non-fiction books, poems, stories • Songs • Class-created books both digitally and in print • Child-generated topics

    Skills We Teach:
    Listening • Asking questions • Speaking • Sharing factual and imaginary ideas • Letter recognition • Name recognition • Writing • Representational drawing
  • Library in Preschool

    How does the library help us to learn? How do books enrich our lives? 

    Topics of Study:
    Concepts of fiction and nonfiction • Butterflies • Seasons • Ponds and water
    Skills We Teach:
    Developing listening skills • Discovering an early appreciation for books • Finding and caring for books • Love of learning • Love of literature • Concepts of author, title, and illustrator
  • Mathematics in Preschool

    How do we count and order objects in our world and everyday life?

    Topics of Study:
    Numbers • Shapes • Graphing • Measuring • Sorting • Patterning

    Skills We Teach:
    Counting • Quantifying • Ordering • Sorting • Pattern recognition and production • Measuring • Graphing • Estimating • Sequencing • Problem solving
  • Music in Preschool

    How do I participate in music class while being kind and respectful to others? How can I be a cooperative group member? How can I build on my musical experiences to increase my enjoyment of music and movement?

    Topics of Study:
    Butterflies • Movement songs • Songs about animals • Celebrations • Community-building songs • My singing voice • Instruments in the Music Room • Moving and listening to music • Creative movement • Folk songs from around the world • Seasons • Music about nature

    Skills We Teach:
    Taking part in music-making activities with others • Exploring the singing voice • Moving to the beat • Singing tunefully • Echoing melodies • Playing a beat • Moving expressively to music movement
  • PE in Preschool

    How can we move our bodies and manipulate equipment safely as we play?
    How can we effectively control and move our bodies and manipulate equipment?

    Topics of Study:
    Self space • General space • Traveling safely • Spatial awareness • Learning class routines and cooperation • Relationship of body parts to space • Being a kind and respectful group member • Sharing • Creative movement • Rhythm • Locomotor and non-locomotor movement • Basic soccer, gymnastics, and tee-ball skills • Relationship of body to equipment • Directions • Levels • Animals • Bike Riding • Outdoor nature

    Skills We Teach:
    Galloping • Sliding • Leaping • Running • Balancing • Climbing • Moving to music • Moving expressively • Throwing, catching, rolling, and striking a ball with an implement • Outdoor scavenger hikes • Following directions • Control with scooters • Parachute running • Jumping • Hopping and landing • Rolling • Tumbling • Transferring weight • Dribbling • Kicking • Bowling
  • Science in Preschool

    How do we explore and learn about the world around us?

    Topics of Study:
    Planting • Birds • Monarch Butterflies • Sunflowers •  New England Ponds

    Skills We Teach:
    Scientific Process (predicting, observing, reflecting) • Using scientific equipment
  • Social Development in Preschool

    How do I communicate my feelings and ideas? How can I be part of a group? How do I play with others? How do I solve problems?

    Topics of Study:
    Friendship • Community • Self-expression • Communication • Problem-solving

    Skills We Teach:
    Playing cooperatively with peers • Being part of a group • Expressing ideas and feelings • Solving problems with others • Advocating for one’s self • Self-regulation
  • Social Studies in Preschool

    Over two years:

    How can we work together and develop as a community?

    Topics of Study:
    Our Classroom Community • Friendship • Our School Community

    Skills We Teach:
    Learning to be a positive group member • Cooperating with peers and teachers • Expressing feelings and ideas appropriately • Resolving conflicts • Listening
  • Spanish in Preschool

    What is language? How do words sound different in Spanish? How can I communicate when I do not understand the language being spoken? What other sources of understanding and communication can I use beyond language?

    Topics of Study:
    Movement • Following directions • Celebrations • Cultural appreciation • Numbers • Action verbs • Animals in local nature • Greetings • Body parts • Songs • Colors • Stories • Intro vocabulary 

    Skills We Teach:
    Pronunciation • Ability to take risks • Using pictures or visual stimuli to communicate when language is not accessible, • Basic Spanish vocabulary • Following directions • Mimicking and repeating sounds and words • Being a respectful and kind group member • Listening to and following directions • Following songs and melodies • Linking movement, sounds, and images with words • Total physical response 
  • Technology in Preschool

    At Nashoba Brooks School, educational technology is meaningfully integrated into all content areas to enhance student learning.

    Skills We Teach:
    Developing patience and resilience • Using devices responsibly • Recognizing patterns and differences • Developing problem-solving skills • Opening and closing apps • Developing basic iPad skills • Practicing digital photography • Using Beebots to promote one-to-one correspondence and sequencing
  • Visual Arts in Preschool

    What do we need to learn to use the art studio and materials in a safe manner? How can we investigate and learn the differences and similarities between various materials and processes? 

    Topics of Study:
    Painting • Mixing colors • Gluing • Texture • Sculpture • Collage • Printing • Murals

    Skills We Teach:
    Introduction and exploration of materials: paint, glue, clay, paper, and scissors • Recognizing and using shapes, forms, and colors • Using materials safely and moving safely in the studio • Following directions and creating multistep projects • Using and understanding what materials can do • Learning painting procedures • Printing • Exploring connecting tools like tape, staplers and glue

Preschool comprises the critical years in which young hearts and minds devour knowledge and learn to interact as part of a larger, formative community. In our close-knit community, boys and girls begin to master the skills that form the foundation for a life of learning.

Preschool Homeroom Teachers

List of 6 members.

  • Photo of Josie Ansell

    Josie Ansell 

    Preschool Associate Teacher, Extended Day
  • Photo of Jill Beguhn

    Jill Beguhn 

    Lead Preschool teacher
  • Photo of Presley Leighton

    Presley Leighton 

    Associate Preschool teacher, Extended Day
  • Photo of Danyelle Mooradian

    Danyelle Mooradian 

    Associate Preschool teacher, Extended Day
  • Photo of Leny  Grott

    Leny  Grott 

    Lead Preschool Teacher
  • Photo of Kelley Jammal

    Kelley Jammal 03

    Lead Preschool Teacher
Situated on a beautiful 30-acre campus in historic Concord, Massachusetts, Nashoba Brooks School enrolls all genders in Preschool through Grade 3, and students identifying as girls in Grades 4 through 8. Nashoba Brooks is an independent school designed to build community, character, and confidence in its students.
Copyright © 2020 Nashoba Brooks School of Concord. All Rights Reserved.