Your child’s education is one of the most important investments you will ever make. And, for most families, investing in an independent school education requires careful financial consideration.
At Nashoba Brooks, we believe primary education provides an essential foundation for our children’s future as learners and as leaders. Children who develop a love for learning in their early years, will continue to find joy in learning throughout their lives.
While the costs associated with providing outstanding educational opportunities for your child can be substantial, the many benefits at Nashoba Brooks—exceptional teachers, small classes, differentiated instruction, and support in pursuit of personal excellence through academics, athletics, and the arts—are invaluable.
In an effort to make a Nashoba Brooks educational experience more accessible, our Board of Trustees adopted a plan to reduce tuition each year for three years, starting in 2021-22, while sustaining our longstanding commitment to providing financial assistance to qualified families.
Tuition and Fees
Nashoba Brooks School tuition and fees includes the costs for:
School lunch (grades K-8);
all day and overnight field trips;
athletic team expenses for all on-site sports;
grade-appropriate one-to-one technology;
activities fee;
all school supplies;
student accident insurance;
and tuition refund insurance.
Since each family has unique needs and interests when it comes to transportation and before-and after-school programs, we note these costs separately as additional fees.
2025-26 Tuition and Mandatory Fees
Preschool, 3-day
Preschool, 5-day
Transitional Kindergarten
$36, 745
For more information about our approach to setting tuition and the options available for payment, click here to view our affordability brochure.
Additional Fees
We work closely with families who need help with transportation to and from campus. With students from over 37 towns, our goal is to make getting to school as easy as possible.
Students who live in the town of Concord have the option of riding the town school bus directly to our campus. Nashoba Brooks also offers transportation to families outside of Concord in partnership with The Fenn School. Round-trip service is $5,030 annually, and one-way service is $3,460 annually. View current schedule and routes for our private buses. In addition, the admission office can help families connect with each other to arrange carpooling options.
Extended Day Program
Preschool–Grade 3 students may stay at school every day that school is in session from 12:00 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. unless otherwise indicated in the school calendar. The cost per trimester ranges based on student's level of participation. For more information on Extended Day, click here.
Supervised Study
Grades 4-8 students may stay from the end of the school day until 5:30 p.m.
Financial Assistance
Nashoba Brooks School actively seeks to build and maintain a community where diversity in all its forms is supported, and we encourage families who are unable to afford full tuition to apply for financial assistance.
All financial assistance awards are based upon a family’s demonstrated need as assessed by the Clarity Application based on the information that families share in the application which includes assets, income, expenses, and debts. Awards vary based upon a family’s demonstrated need and the resources available in the School’s financial assistance budget. Each year, we commit more than $1.2 million to approximately 22% of our families. All grants take into consideration the total cost of enrolling at our School.
To apply for financial assistance or receive additional information, parents can log in to use the Clarity Application.
The procedure for applying for financial assistance for the 2025-2026 academic year requires that candidates’ families submit the following forms to the Nashoba Brooks Business Office. These forms are updated each year and are available in late fall.
The Clarity Application, filed online on the Clarity app or website. When you fill out the application, indicate that you wish to have your application sent to Nashoba Brooks School.
A copy of parents’ and student’s, if applicable, 1040 tax form for 2023 and all schedules and supporting documentation, including a copy of all W-2s. No award will be granted until the final 2023 tax form and supporting documentation have been received. The final 1040 tax forms for 2023 must be received by Monday, February 24.
For parents who are separated or divorced, a copy of your former spouse’s 1040 and supporting documentation, including the W-2.
For students applying for admission to Nashoba Brooks, all financial assistance paperwork is due February 1. Applications submitted after February 1 will be reviewed individually as received and as financial assistance funding is available. If you have additional questions about applying, please feel free to email Kerry Stevens, Director of Admission, at Please note that any communications about finances will be held strictly confidential.
Nashoba Brooks School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, disability, sexual orientation, religion, gender, gender identity or gender expression, genetic information or other protected classification in the administration of its educational, admissions, financial assistance, athletic, and other policies and programs.
Below is the set of principles we use to guide our decision making in administering our financial assistance program:
The School requires all families seeking financial assistance to reapply annually, meet all published application deadlines, and to demonstrate financial need.
The School uses the Clarity as a guideline in determining financial assistance awards; however, the School reserves the right to make adjustments to the EFC based on the School’s financial assistance policy.
The School believes that the primary responsibility for financing a student’s independent school education rests with his or her family; however, we realize that this responsibility is based on the ability of the family to participate in the payment of tuition.
The School expects that all financially responsible parent(s)/ guardians(s) contribute to the cost of the student’s education. In the event that a parent/guardian is not working, the Financial Assistance Committee may impute income equivalent to one full tuition for the appropriate grade. Exceptions to this policy include a household with a child under the age of 5, a household responsible for the care of a family member or a household in which a parent is enrolled in school.
In that financial assistance funds are limited, the School’s commitment for financial assistance will be first, to the school’s current families; second, to new employee children, siblings of current students and alumni children and third, to other new applicants.
The School requires that all student accounts be current in order for a family to be considered for financial assistance.
The School recognizes the significant cost of our Extended Day and Supervised Study Programs. The determined grant percentage for tuition will automatically be applied to the cost of both of these programs.
The School recognizes that family financial circumstances can and do change at any time. If a family’s financial circumstances improve during the school year, no reduction will be made in the original award. However, if the financial information previously provided to the School has changed or changes during the course of the academic year, the family must promptly provide notice of such changes to the Business Office. If there are funds remaining in the financial assistance budget, every effort will be made to recalculate the family’s financial assistance for the current year and where possible, the school will adjust the award. Each application and circumstance is evaluated individually.
If all required forms are completed on time, a new or returning family will receive the letter indicating their financial assistance award no later than March 10.
Nashoba Brooks offers need-based assistance to current and incoming families with demonstrated financial need as assessed by Clarity. Awards are grants and do not require repayment. Loans are not available.
The School budgets approximately 17% of annual tuition revenue for financial assistance. For the 2023-2024 academic year, this amounts to approximately $1.2 million. Awards range from 10% to 99% of tuition and mandatory fees. Approximately 22% of the student body currently receives financial assistance.
We encourage families to apply for financial assistance if they are unable to afford full tuition on a 10-month payment schedule. All currently enrolled families and those applying for admission are welcome to apply for financial assistance.
For the 2025-2026 School year, the deadline for completion of all forms is February 1, 2025. Applications submitted after that time will be reviewed, contingent on available funds.
Nashoba Brooks accepts students based upon their academic qualifications and potential to be successful at our school. Application for financial assistance is confidential and separate from the admission process.
Yes. Financial assistance requests must be made and all required forms received by theFebruary 1 deadline in order for an award to be considered for the 2025-2026 School year.
Financial assistance awards are determined based upon a family’s demonstrated need as assessed by Clarity. Awards vary depending upon that assessment and the amount of money available in the school’s budget designated for this purpose.
Nashoba Brooks subscribes to Clarity. Many factors are taken into consideration by Clarity when determining the family contribution. These include but are not limited to family income, assets, expenses, qualified debts, and family size. The analysis incorporates these factors in the calculation and determines the discretionary income of each family. A portion of the discretionary income is then suggested as the family contribution for education. It is the expectation of the School that each family will contribute as much as it is able toward the cost of their child’s education.
No. Families receiving financial assistance must reapply each year. Changes in income, family status, and the number of children enrolled in tuition-based educational institutions may result in changes in an award. Every application is reviewed annually.
Family financial circumstances can and do change at any time. If a family’s financial circumstances improve during the school year, no reduction will be made in the original award. However, if the financial information previously provided to the School has changed or changes during the course of the academic year, the family must promptly provide notice of such changes to the Business Office. If there are funds remaining in the financial assistance budget, every effort will be made to recalculate the family’s financial assistance for the current year and where possible, the school will adjust the award. Each application and circumstance is evaluated individually.
Tuition for each school year is set by the Board of Trustees at their January meeting. Re-enrollment packets, including a “Statement of Fees and Financial Policies” and payment plan information, are available in late January to all current families. Tuition is set for one year only and annual increase should be expected.
The financial assistance award covers tuition and mandatory fees. For students awarded financial assistance, the determined grant percentage for tuition will be automatically applied to the cost of transportation, Extended Day and Supervised Study. All are abated at the same percentage that tuition is reduced.
In addition, the cost of school-recommended tutoring is discounted for families on financial assistance.
If all required forms are completed by the February 1 deadline, a new or returning family will receive the letter indicating their financial assistance award no later than March 10.
Families bear the primary responsibility for financing the education of their children. We understand that family circumstances vary and applications are evaluated individually by Clarity.
In the event that a student’s parents are separated, divorced or remarried, both parents will be required to provide financial information to Nashoba Brooks and to Clarity.
Family circumstances differ greatly and there are factors other than income that affect award decisions (such as the number of tuitions). Nashoba Brooks is committed to meeting the need of a broad spectrum of families, as reflected by the families represented in the chart below.
Percent of Financial Assistance Awards by Family Income
Any additional questions can be emailed to Kerry Stevens, Director of Admission. Please be assured that any emailed questions will be held in strict confidence.
From our perspective, a Nashoba Brooks education is priceless. We cannot imagine our child being at any other school.
Nashoba Brooks Parent
QUESTIONS? Email Kerry Stevens, Director of Admission, at Please note that any communications about finances will be held strictly confidential.
At Nashoba Brooks, my children have developed an excitement for learning and confidence in their abilities. We are grateful for the financial assistance that made this possible.
Nashoba Brooks Parent
Additional Resources To Apply For Financial Assistance
Nashoba Brooks uses the Clarity Application to determine a family’s level of financial need based on the information that families share in the application which includes assets, income, expenses, and debts.
To learn more about the Clarity process, please review this guide.
Situated on a beautiful 30-acre campus in historic Concord, Massachusetts, Nashoba Brooks School enrolls all genders in Preschool through Grade 3, and students identifying as girls in Grades 4 through 8. Nashoba Brooks is an independent school designed to build community, character, and confidence in its students.