Sizing Down the Playground

Using a variety of skills including math, orienteering, and art, Grade 4 students replicated the Middle School playground structures! First, students measured the outdoor structures and used these dimensions to scale down the entire project so that 4 feet = 1 inch. Then, breaking into smaller groups, students began to build the different elements they use outdoors each day at recess including the swings, basketball court, pond, and more! Finally, students used a compass to identify which direction was North so they could more accurately orient their pieces on the 3D map and create a key so visitors could fully enjoy and understand this project! We can’t wait to see how the final project comes together!

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Situated on a beautiful 30-acre campus in historic Concord, Massachusetts, Nashoba Brooks School enrolls all genders in Preschool through Grade 3, and students identifying as girls in Grades 4 through 8. Nashoba Brooks is an independent school designed to build community, character, and confidence in its students.
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